Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bee-utiful Day

We've been taking it easy lately as we headed into the throes of the school year. Honestly, I'm quite please with how we toned it down. But the honey crisp apples are ready, and when the apples are ready it's time to rev it back up.

Grammy is in town to take care of Meemaw after her knee replacement so we dragged her along with us! It was all going great, the kids played, they ran, they jumped. Most importantly, they picked. 

Thatch showing that birdseed activity table who's boss.

Grammy and her fellas on the apple train.

Thatch taking a bite of an apple, forgetting that he had a loose tooth. Key word, HAD.

Coopster, nibbling like a little mouse.

He was seriously bothered by his tooth at this point. It fell out at lunch, about an hour later. 

These are cool blocks, I'm thinking adults would make it like Jenga. Kids, however, build awesomely unstable structures. 

A bee ended up stinging Harpie in the mouth while she was eating an apple. It was okay, for a while...

Auntie Lorny and Meemaw came to the farm too! Here's a very rare picture of Grammy and Lorny together :)
 And then we went to lunch, which was fun. Until we looked at Harpie and then it was like "OH CRAP". Her lip had swelled to this heinous state, very quickly. I called the nurse line, grabbed some benadryl (which I will be keeping a bottle in my car now) and headed over to urgent care. Traffic was a nightmare because the only way to the hospital was through the Costco area. On a Saturday. It was an effing nightmare.

  When we finally got there they whisked us back and checked her blood oxygen levels to make sure she wasn't having an allergic reaction. She ended up being okay and we kept an close eye on her to make sure the swelling didn't move to her tongue or airway. After a few hours it calmed down and my nerves were put to rest. If you are keeping track of bee stings this year the current stats are:

Thatch: 1
Cooper: 3
Harper: 1

Coopster wins...or loses, depending on your view.

Here's my sweet little Harpie, doped up on Benadryl and with some crazy sugar lips. Poor little Heathen.
I have a feeling this is one of the last beautiful summer days as the official start of Fall is just around the corner. Harpie's lip made it did our 30 lbs of honey crisp apples! :)


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