Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Oh, what a month can bring...

It appears that it has been just a bit over a month since my last post. My, what a large change has occurred since that day! Thanks to the marvel that is Facebook most of you know that Jonathan was offered a new job in Washington with Shell and he took it! There was no time for pictures of the packing (nobody wants to see what a hot mess that turned us into) but I'll fill you in on the details.

So we knew about this being a possibility in December but we didn't want to say anything to jinx it. He was given official notice that he beat out a billion people (maybe a slight exaggeration) on January 14th but I had to feign disappointment and no knowledge of the status until Grammy and MeeMaw came up for their visit on the 17th...it was painful, to say the least, but I made it. We surprised them by giving them a small present each-a roll of packing tape. But really, there wasn't much packing to do, only sorting sell and take which was mostly my job. So we enjoyed our visit, celebrated Harper's 1st birthday (I know, I missed that post, I'm the worst) and just relaxed. -SIDE STORY: I took Harper to get a pedicure with me which was a huge mistake! Giving her my phone to play with while sitting on my lap over the tub was asking for it and my phone was drowned in a quick yet  painless death.-The reason I am telling you this is that the birthday photos were on it. If you have pictures of the day (Mom and Sharilyn) I would love it if you could email me some!

So onto the moving/getting the house ready to sell. It wasn't so bad, but it's over now so I guess that's why I am a bit more zen about it. Here are my top lessons though:

1. I need to not buy crafts unless I actually plan on doing them.
2. We had too much stuff.
3. We still have too much stuff.

We had a huge sale and I'm not going to lie, it was a HUGE success. I hope lots of people are happy with my old stuff.

So I didn't happen to have a birth certificate for myself on hand and I couldn't get a passport which meant that I had to fly with the littles and the doggies while Jonathan and Thatch get to take the ferry. Oh well, the thought of my furbabies in the bottom deck for 3 days didn't appeal to me at all so it was worth it.

Harper, Cooper, Chevy, Tahoe and I flew in on Saturday morning after quite the frazzled night packing into the early morning. I'd had maybe 2 hours sleep but sat next to the nicest woman who happened to be two of my friends from High School's mother and she was a Godsend! She held Harper when she was fussing for me and gave me a welcome break. Yay for small towns :)

So I was the last one off the plane and when I walked off the gate I recognized someone but it took me a second to grasp it...waiting for me with a large hot chocolate was Sharilyn!!! That morning she had decided, with John's urging, to fly to Seattle and meet us at the gate and spend the long weekend with us! I was shocked and so happy to see her. I managed to keep it together and not unravel at the seams from relief at the sight of her but it was the best surprise ever. Then Jonathan sent me a text that said "Welcome HOME" and I about lost it in SeaTac. Jeez. After that we were met by MeeMaw, Auntie Lorny (who can no longer make fun of us for living somewhere crazy), Auntie Brookie and PeePaw waiting to help me load the gang up! It was a happy chaotic scene but it was everything I hoped it would be. We spend the weekend unpacking and doing laundry and just getting us settled in.

Here: I finally remembered to pull out the camera! Here is Grammy, Auntie B, the littles and I at a Mexican resturant in Ballard which is a ridiculously cute neighborhood in Seattle.
The little guy enjoying some Hipster dining with his Grammy and his Auntie B.

There was a lot of cheese between the Rellenos, the Quesidillas and Cooper.

Harpie has entered a grabby phase. Good times.

If at first you don't succeed, try try again!

Auntie B forcing Harper to eat. She said "Eat it little girl!" Not really, though. Harper hasn't stop eating the whole time we've been here.

Sponge Bob Cheese pants giving "Ojitos" to us which is just batting his eyelashes at us. Ridiculously cute and video worthy.

Jonathan and Thatch are on the ferry right now. I haven't had much communication with them because of Canada and the ocean. In the few texts I've had I've learned that Thatch isn't a fan of going out on the boat deck and that he will not be able to get on the bridge to meet the Captain. :( I don't know when I'll hear from them again but I do know that they'll be here on Friday at 8 am and it can't be soon enough! We miss them so much it's crazy, like I'm missing my left arm or something!

So there you have it, say goodbye to the Alaska Yarsleys, hello Washington Yarsleys!

Love Always,

P.S. On a side note, I've rented a minivan this week and I hate to admit it but I'm kind of liking it. It has a DVD player in it, which I've always been against but it's pretty nice on road trips. So if anyone wants to give me a minivan, feel free to now, I won't scoff :)

P.S.S. I will fill in some of the gaps from the missing month later :)