Thursday, December 6, 2012

Suckers, Sugar Plums, and Christmas Shenanigans

Even though it's been hovering between -30 and -40 we have been keeping somewhat busy, and with that...I present this post for your viewing/reading pleasure.


We took the boys to get haircuts and Harper somehow fooled me into letting her have her first sucker.
I, Harper Yarsley,will forever love Chom for giving me my first sucker.

Concentrating hard on remembering that these are delicious and to seek them out when ever possible.
And, while we are on the topic of suckers...Thatch was in his first fight at school. He's been bullied in the past few weeks since a new boy arrived into his class. This kid is constantly in trouble and Thatch has had a hard time, behavior wise, since he has arrived as well. Last Thursday I walked  in to pick him up from his class, and he stopped me at the front door and said he got in trouble. When I walked into the building the Principal asked if I had gotten his message, which I hadn't. The Principal, Thatch's teachers and I had a discussion about this particular situation the day before and I said that it was becoming a problem. Anyhoo, long story very short...the little boy and Thatch were put in time out together, the teacher stepped away, when he looked back the little boy was kicking Thatch in the face (while sitting down, so like kicking his legs up). Thatch's fight or flight kicked in and he fought. e was sent to the nurse and then put in inschool suspension for the day.

We weren't mad at him, but had to do the whole "we don't fight, keep your hands to yourself, blah blah blah". Honestly, its kind of refreshing that he stood up for himself and we were proud of him. They haven't had trouble with each other since then and the Bully was moved to the AM class. Thatch has had a marked improvement since his departure and I am quite relieved that he's gone. So there you have it, my kid officially had a discipline file.
Here's the official paperwork. The counselor said that if he was allowed to pick sides, he'd be rooting for Thatch :) 

I'm saving this in his memorabilia because how stinking cute is this?

Sugar Plums

I had this whole big date planned for Thatch and I on Friday but with the fight happening I didn't know if I should go ahead with it. The thing is, I think what he needed most was some quality, alone time with his Mommy. Jonathan took care of Harps and Coop and Thatch and I headed out to Bobby's for some fancy schmancy fun. 

Thatch having his first Shirley Temple :) He liked it!

Coloring on the fancy paper onto of the tables :)

The "Bobby" came by and chatted with us. Everyone could tell we were on a special date and treated us awesomely. Bobby showed Thatch what his name was in Greek. Then he kissed him on the head, as most Greek peeps do I suppose. Thatch thought that was super funny. 

Here's us. It was the best pic the waitress could get with this stinking camera of mine. I really should send it in to be fixed! SO...funny story...See that sculpture behind us? Thatch was a BIG fan of it, I could barely get him to keep his eyes off it. He kept saying "I'm not looking at it! I'm not looking, I'm not looking!" Hilarious.

And here's us at the Nutcracker. He even picked this one out to keep forever. His favorite part was the battle between the mice and toy soldiers. I wish Wish WISH that I could have videoed his reaction when it first started. It was magical seeing his little face light up!

Christmas Shenanigans

Thatch had his Christmas performance at school today. Shut the front door, it was AWESOME. I had a hard time keeping the camera steady from laughing! Here are the videos of it :)

Seriously, hilarious right? My rookie mistake is that I wasn't sitting up closer, nor did I realize I could get up and video from the front. Next time, I'm all over it.

And here's what our little friend, Buddy, has been up to:
Oh Buddy, why did you make green milk? It made heinous sippy cups. 

Thanks for bringing donuts though. I love your little Buddy sized donuts too ;)
And in other related news, Cooper has taken to reading while on the pot. It's the toy ad from Sunday's paper. :)
So there we are, all caught up! I hope it brightened your holiday season...

Love ya!