Friday, February 20, 2015

Rumpshakers and Dancing Queens

Tonight was the Geneva Elementary School's first school dance,AKA "Gnomes in Paradise". I'm sorry, I am unashamed when I say I LOVE the Gnome mascot. If it's good enough for Travelocity, it's good enough for the Yarsleys.

We loaded into the car and were driving towards the school, not even out of our neighborhood yet, Thatcher says out loud "I just can't believe we're doing this. <Dramatic Pause> Dancing is not my talent, Mom."  Insert Coopie's adorable squeaky voice here "It's my talent. I love to dance." We're going to work with him on being reassuring and comforting, it's not his talent I guess.

We rolled into the dance all Ganster and ready to get our groove on. I mean, like seriously...Thatcher skipped in and Harpie hopped. I said my hellos to my fellow PTA Moms, grabbed our glow in the dark necklaces (Geneva Party Theory: Go big or go home) and we were dancing!

Here's the thing. Thatcher is a straight up liar. Dancing IS his thing. He had no fear or inhibition. Literally, he was off and shaking his groove thing. Harper, found a balloon and was in HEAVEN and Cooper found a bunch of his pre-school possy so he was stoked too. I found a sassy mom friend to hang out with and we settled in for a good time.

In general, Friday nights for us are all Tino's pizza, loose fitting jammies and a movie. You wouldn't have thought it though, the Yarsleys partied hard tonight. Pictorial Evidence supports this statement, see below.

Exhibit 1:
I'd be lying, like Thatcher, to say that walking in didn't catch me off guard and I caught a little lump in my throat. You know, like "Wow, we're doing this already?" But then it got fun and my little people started dancing together.
Exhibit 2:
Here is Harper dancing with Thatcher's 1st grade teacher Mrs. Peterson. Dear Lord, please let her by H's teacher too!

Exhibit 3:
Here's Coopie the Rumpshaker. He was right, dancing is his talent. :)
Exhibit 4:
See, I have Mom friends. Well, maybe you can't see but trust me, they're real.
Exhibit 5:
And here's our photo booth strip. Yes, our school is that epic.

Video Evidence:
And here's a ditty with Harper being the Dancing Queen she is. Oh man, you should have seen her when they played Let It Go. It was like a firework went off in her brain and exploded as an expression on her little face.

Afterwards we cleaned up, as is only respectful to do and we came home. The kids were on a twitterpated high, they all said it was the best night of their lives (so we don't have to ever go to Disneyland again I suppose). And then they were fast. Like so fast I was able to blog the actual night of an event. We should go clubbing every Friday night!

I hope you enjoyed :D I "plan" to keep up with the shenanigans in the blog but you know how I roll. I'm just Gansta like that.


P.S. There is a definite downside to this dance though. I don't want to move schools, we LOVE it at Geneva! This makes house buying a bit more complicated. Sigh.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

CHRISTMAS Fails...Plural

Wow, it's January 10th and I just took the Christmas tree down. I am so off the ball that it just ran me over. But hey, I'm writing a blog post so that's showing the universe a thing or two, right?

And now it's Feburary 14th. Touché, Universe.

Christmas Fail #1: My phone was out of storage space Christmas morning so I have like, maybe 3 pictures? Nice work, Sabrina.

 And then it was full....sigh.

Christmas Fail #2: So here's the thing. I'm not going to get those Christmas Cards out, that is blaringly obvious.  I'll tell ya what I'm gonna do though...

My absolute favorite part of this picture is the bottom interaction between Harper and Thatcher.
BWHAHAHAHA! Take that USPS!'s our Christmas Letter!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Friends! I hope all is well and happy in your world and that you are enjoying this wonderful season of giving and happiness. Formalities aside, let’s get to the meat and potatoes of this letter.
Jonathan is doing fantastic. Since my last letter his beloved Red Soxs AND Seahawks won their respective championships which means he, by virtue of wearing their t-shirts, is also a champion. Don’t worry, he’s not walking around singing Queen or anything but he is pretty giddy. He really likes his job at BP and just passed his 1 year mark. It’s absurd, and cliché, how quickly time flies now.
Thatcher is in the 2nd grade and turned 8 this past August. For his birthday we went to Seahawks’ training camp and he chit chatted with some big dudes and Russell Wilson signed his football. It was kind of a big deal. Me giving him life? Meh, that was old news apparently. Anyhoo, he’s doing great in school and he’s started taking piano lessons. He has a great ear for music (just like his Dad) and I expect we’ll be singing Queen around the piano this February when his Seahawks win the Super Bowl again.
Cooper is in his second year of Pre-School and is a fantastic student. I honestly didn’t expect him to be so because he’s a bit…squirrely. Apparently that enthusiasm for life is transferable to learning so that works out well! He’s writing his name, doing great at his alphabet sounds and numbers. Oh, and he loves dancing now too. I’m not talking Ballet, I’m talking like MC Hammer/Gangnam Style. It’s ridiculously funny. He’s ridiculously funny. Watch out world!
Harper. Goodness, what is there to say about little Harper Evelyn? Well, she has been called Feral by perfect strangers this past year. That is not a joke, and is the God’s honest truth. It was in a pumpkin patch and when she heard this she stopped, standing there in her sparkly tennis shoes, a diaper, disheveled hair and apple juiced face (it was organic at least?) and waved at them. She is positively primal. But also adorable, smart, and terrifyingly strong willed. She’s 2, and really quite good at it. As with all 2 year olds we’re into Elsa, Anna and Olaf as well as Fancy Nancy, tea parties and making her brothers play dress up with her. I’m telling you people, she’s a force to be reckoned with.
Me? What am I up to? Laundry, still. That was in the last letter too, huh? I’ve made a lot of great friends here so I spend time (avoiding laundry) with them and a Moms group or two. I spend a ton of time with my heated seats in my car, driving people to and from schools and lessons. Confession: We got Netflix this year so that’s honestly what I’m doing. Oh the shame…but yay for all of the Pop Culture knowledge I have stored in my brain now! Fear not though, I read a ton also. I’m going to be so awesome when I finally go on Jeopardy.
This past February our little dog Tahoe went to Heaven to eat Jesus’ butter off his counter instead of mine so that hit our little family hard. We still have our 3 legged Chevy with us, keeping us safe on those wretched night shifts when Jonathan is gone. Chevy’s gained quite a bit of weight this past year (no judgment from me, you know people who live in glass houses and all that) since there isn’t competition at the dinner table for kid scraps anymore but we’re planning on keeping him around for quite a bit longer. In other big news we’re going to seriously start house shopping this next year and find the perfect house. We know the ‘hoods around Bham now and we’re ready to commit. (You know Jonathan and I dated for 6 years before we married, we’re not quick movers.) We hate moving so we’re planning on living in our next house forever.  FOORREEVVEERRR. Hopefully you’ll get that news in the next letter!

Until then I bid you ado Friends. Have a wonderful 2015 and know you’re in our thoughts.

So there we have it Friends, I have completed another New Year's Resolution. Christmas Cards/Letter out into the world. 

We have a Romantical evening planned for romantic as one can be when celelebraing Love with 3 people under 9. :)

And I bid ado to you, I shall post again...someday.