Thursday, July 26, 2012

What I had planned and what actually happened...

I just wrote a blog for 3 hours on Disneyland and deleted it on the last sentence. Oh My God.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Vacation Hangover

We had so much fun on vacation that I didn't have enough time to write a post! I'll just update to before we went to Disneyland!

So let's see here...according to the camera on July 3rd we all went to a Reno Aces game for the fireworks display. We showed up late and kicked some people out of our seats, which was a bummer for them and a lesson for all to stick to your ticket because the Yarsleys mean business! We watched a really good fireworks display that the team put on. Our main reason for taking this trip was because the boys had never seen 4th of July fireworks at night time, a severe hazard of living in Alaska. They definitely had their fill of fireworks this trip! I wasn't sitting with Thatcher so I don't know what his reaction was but Cooper was in awe. I believe his words were: "Wow! I want more!" Harper fell asleep.

The Coopster and I hanging out, waiting for Dad to come back with grub. 

Coops getting a wipe down after the grub. Isn't the park pretty?

I only put this in because I think it's funny. They look so much alike!

So for the 4th we trekked out into the heart of Fernley, NV to watch a good old fashioned small town parade. Honestly, Fernley made Fairbanks seem like a thriving metropolis and their parade had the same effect. Jonathan was very generous in his description of it, so I will leave you with this; it was cute. I may also have a negative view of it because I was in a candy war with the family that sat next to us with their 5 kids who were stealing candy right under my little men's grasp. After the eldest little girl grabbed candy from me I said "Game On" and it was on like Donkey Kong. I don't know what came over myself but we ended up with some nice candy action in the end.
Grammy kept a close eye on the Coopster.

The boys waving at the ambulance and police cars that lead the processional.

There she is, Miss America.

Here's a little video of Coopcake from the parade:

Harps brought out her patriotic swimsuit for the 4th. This was her first time in a pool. She and Aunt B enjoyed themselves :)

After an afternoon of over eating on hearty american fare we headed to the local baseball fields for a fireworks show. Here's H and her Auntie Court and Auntie B at sunset.

H making googly eyes at her Auntie B.

The fireworks show in Fernley lasted 45 minutes! We had a good time making fun of the people who Ooohed and Aaaaahed at each firework and especially focused on the redneck who yelled out "AMERICA" after a few of the pyrotechnics. At one point a fire broke out from a misfired firework and  Courtney was going to abandon us all to the inferno because we weren't packing up and ready to run but the local fire department was on hand to take care of the blaze. Overall, it was a nice, small town 4th of July. A little peace and quiet was just what the doctor ordered for these big city northerners. 

On the 5th we went to Lake Tahoe in the late afternoon, it seems like we should have gone earlier BUT it was so much nicer in the evening! Everyone was leaving for the day and when we arrived around 3ish so the heat wasn't so bad for us. Of course though, we messed up. Jonathan thought I grabbed the bag with the swimsuits and I thought he'd grabbed it so we showed up only with birthday suits for the kiddos to swim in. Sheesh. Luckily Grandpa and the Aunties saved the day and showed up later with a swimsuit for Thatch! Coop rocked the diaper, but it was okay because we didn't know anyone.

We brought snorkels. Jonathan and Thatch found crawfish in the lake. Crazy stuff.

We brought them to the beach that we were married at.  Thatch asked where Mary was when I told him that. 

Yars and his girl sitting on a very old and large tree.

Coopster rocking the diaper scene at the beach. What can you expect, we're from North Pole.

Love my new camera!

We found some geese to honk at. They were quite close actually.

Coop and Aunt B sunning. He was very unhappy about the amount of sand in his man parts later in the evening.

Auntie Courtney enjoying some Harps time.
On the 6th Thatcher woke up to a Mickey Mouse birthday party! He thought it was in the afternoon but we pulled a switcheroo and moved it to the AM because of family pictures. Here's the video of him learning that he was going to Disneyland. 

I was kind of bummed out by his reaction...until we went upstairs to start packing. Only then did he start jumping up and down and saying he was excited to go to Disneyland. And talk about the kisses and hugs that ensued. Turns out he was just playing it cool for the cameras. Punk kid.

Getting ready to make a wish. This is pre-reveal wish.

Mickey Mouse Pancakes

Anyhoo, I'll leave it at this point. Tomorrow I'll post about Disneyland and all of it's fabulousness! 


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Vacation: Week 1 Recap

We are a week into vacation officially but it honestly only feels like it's been a few days. The weather here has been hot for us thick blooded Alaskans, warm for others, but enjoyable none the less.

 Thursday was a relaxing day at home, something we desperately needed after traveling all night on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. We awaited the impending arrival of PeePaw, MeeMaw and Great Great Aunt Jacque from their respective drives from Washington and Texas (I think I'd rather take their trip next time andfr they can fly with the kids).  Jonathan and John worked on taking the swimming pool down to return after some aquatic drama from the company while the kids and I hung out and watched. The boys also played with their toys that we got them for here and just chilled in general. It was a good vacation day!
Coop is in charge when it comes to his mustang. Thatch thinks he should teach Coop how to drive, although I'm curious when Thatch got his license.

Sidewalks are quite a luxury to us Alaskans so we are rocking the opportunity to practice riding. The only problem I'm finding is that it gets really hot!

He shakes what his Mama gave him while riding.

This is what the sun does to an Alaskan after a few hours.

 Friday morning Auntie Courtney flew in from Chile and our party was almost complete, we are waiting for Auntie Brookie to join us tomorrow morning and we'll be set for some good old fashioned Yarsley fun! We went to Scheels, one of the coolest sporting good stores around. It has something like 96 departments, giant fish tanks, a ferris wheel, a nascar simulator and so much more to buy! Jonathan had the most fun there buying all sorts of things! Thatch and Coop enjoyed themselves too as is evident by the photographic evidence.
They have two giant arching fish tanks, one with fresh water fish and one with salt water fish. This was a catfish, whom Thatcher felt the need to comfort and tell that everything was going to be okay.

Auntie Ash and Thatch making a Coopcake Sandwich. This was Coops first amusement ride I think? Not sure if he was amused though, he seemed pretty serious about it.
Saturday is when the serious tourist business started. The plan was to go to Virginia City and check out some ghosts with the entire gang followed by Carson City minus the Great Grandparents. This day did not go as planned, as they ususally go when you have toddlers with you. We moseyed on up to VA City and were met with crowds of freaks vintage car lovers. There were a lot of tattoos, trashy cholla pin up wanna bees, and possible ex cons around. Yes, that's right, I judged. There were some lovely antique stores and MeeMaw got some china for her birthday present. Overall, the boys, including Jonathan were overwhelmed by VA city so we called it early while the Greats and Grands ate lunch. Plus Cooper had a complete nap time meltdown, that is always a deciding factor in our departures too.

It safe to assume this sucker ended up on Jonathan's face. And shirt. And hair.

Thank the Lord and the Mother Theresa.

On to Carson City we drove where Jonathan and I found it quite nice. We drove around some extremely old neighborhoods, cased the Governor's mansion and just really enjoyed the quiet time with the boys in the back. When we arrived at the train museum the boys were still asleep, we woke them up and they were instantly perky and raring to go. We got ourselves situated and went in. While we were checking out we heard an unusual noise arise from Cooper's diaper. I promptly said "Not It" so Jonathan took over the diaper duty while I went with Thatch and Harps into the museum. After quite a bit we went outside to check on the diaper progress. Turns out we had an epicly catastrophic diaper failure. Had we been at home I would have had an extra pair of clothes and all would have been fine, but we were on vacation so it wasn't. Cooper was definitely in a state of gastrointestinal distress but he was acting fine and as sparky as ever so we decided to continue with the museum, much to Thatcher's relief.

We rode this train twice, at one point they unhook from the front of the train and rebuckled in the rear. The boys were in heaven!

Me and Harps. I forgot to turn the picture, my bad.

The whole Carson City Gang. Notice Coop has no pants.

Between the first and second trip on the train Thatch was able to sit in the engine for a bit.

Thatch and his Auntie Ash on the train ride.

Auntie Courtney and Cooper racing into the museum again. Yeah, we were the people with the kid in the diaper and no shoes. We rock Nevada with classy style.

The hot Nevada sun dried off Coops shorts in a flash and we were back to somewhat decent tourists. Guess what Coop is pointing at...a train!

Sunday the plans were for Jonathan, Grandpa and the boys to go to a Reno Aces game at the ball park and have some man bonding time. Jonathan and John ran into take care of returning the old pool and I was to bring the boys in to them and head off to the mall for some alone shopping. As we were getting out the catastrophic diaper failure occurred again and Poopie Coopie still had an upset tummy. Coop was officially back in my charge. There was no way that Jonathan would be able to handle another blow out. Sigh. Anyhoo, Thatch went with Grandpa and Dad and Coop, Harps and I went to the mall to do some shopping sans Thatcher, whom we were shopping for. We made it to one store and called it quits. I asked Coop if he wanted to go to one more store or home and Coop said "Home", officially ending my attempts to boost consumer confidence numbers.
Here's Coop eating lunch at my favorite, Hot Dog on a Stick! We had a dandy time eating, he danced a little to some Justin Bieber background music and then we went shopping.
When everyone returned home they all got into the new walmart pool. Thatch had SOOOO much fun as you can see in the following photographic evidence.

Water Baby.

Not a Water Baby.

Harper loves her Aunt Jacque. When ever she is in her arms Harper sings herself to sleep.
 Monday was a calm and chill day. Jonathan and I took the opportunity to have some alone time with our eldest monkey and take him to a movie. After an exhausting morning of swimming and a 3 hour nap we went in for an evening movie in Reno to see Brave.
We were the only ones in the theater up until the beginning of the movie so I snapped a few pictures for prosperity.

Thatch rocking the 3D glasses.

On the drive home we saw a train on the side of the highway and we raced it all the way to Fernley. We beat it over the overpass and pulled off to watch it pass by. Thatch stuck his head out of the sunroof and was the happiest little boy in the world at that point :)

This wrapped up our first week of vacation and although it didn't really seem like much, it was. Tuesday we began the 4th of July festivities so that deserves it's own post for sure!

Hope you enjoy!