Sunday, March 25, 2012


It's about time some little men start pulling their weight around this joint. Around the New Year Thatcher started doing chores, we pay him $1 a week and what ever spare change we have laying around. The one chore I gladly passed over to my little guy was wiping the toilet, hoping this would aid in aim improvement. I am sad to report that it has not but it doesn't bother me because it's not my chore anymore (ha, jokes on him now). Cooper likes to chime in occasionally and help pick up the messes that he so craftily creates. More often then not, it just creates more messes but I give him kudos for trying!

Here's some photographic and video evidence:

It would be a much easier chore if he would just aim rather than peeing like he's Captain Morgan with his hands on his hips.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Smiles and Smirks :)

I finally caught it! I feel victorious, like I just caught Nessie or Sasquatch. The enigma that is Harper's smile has been captured. Kind of. It was the tail end of one, it really is more of a smirk but I'll take it. Enjoy :D

Ahhhh, this is what keeps me going some days.

Tummy Tub!!

When I was prego with Cooper we received a Tummy Tub as a present for him. It seemed a little "hippy-ish", the idea is that the tub is warm and cozy and should remind the baby of the uterine environment. Cooper, however, LOVED IT (see photographic evidence #1). I can't even explain how much he loved it. Jonathan loved it because it used less water than the tub so it saved our water pump (which is like his 4th child, he takes such good care of it). I loved it because it was cute. The big question, is would Harper love it? Too bad, I still think it's cute so tough luck, Love. Here are a few pictures from our first venture in the tub again.

Coopie June 2010 getting some hot tub action
Harps getting some hot tub action too :) Luckily her chubby belly covers her lady parts!

Much smaller than Cooper was!

The first time I used the Tummy Tub with Cooper he almost drowned. Okay, I almost drowned him. He was just so floopy at 3 weeks old! That's why I waited so long to use it with Harps. Worry not though, she has been bathing between now and her birth, just in the big tub!

Over all, I would call the tub excursion a success. Harps is clean and smells like a lady and the pump had a relaxing time filling up the tub. It's an all around win!

Happy 2 Months Harper Evelyn!

Our girl is 2 months old now, there's a huge difference between two weeks and two months.  Loves her :)

 Check out those rolls! I'm pretty sure she's drinking heavy whipping cream. 

Friday, March 16, 2012


It's official. Reality has hit. I'm outnumbered- 3 against 1. Even on days Jonathan is off we're still outnumbered.

Anywho, here's a few tidbits of what's gone on since my last post:

1. A couple of weeks ago Grammy Yarsley came up for a visit to meet her newest little girl. Wouldn't you know, I lost the camera the entire week. I, however, have photographic evidence of who had it last. Bwahahah, it wasn't my fault!
Boys always love their Mommy.

She's got legs and she knows how to move them :)

2. On Tuesdays of Jonathan's night shift it's "his" turn to cook dinner for his crew. It works out really good for me because I don't have to make him lunch for his 7 nights or his 3 day weekend. This past week we happened to have the fixings for Grammy's Lasagna (which is delicious) so I made that for the guys. 13 ravenous men. I didn't have it in my to make another meal for us so we rocked McDonald's playground for a bit. That is where I captured these gems.
Chocolate milk is serious business.
So cute, even if he is basically licking a petrie dish of bacteria.

3. I tried taking pictures of Harper for her baby announcement. I captured half of a smile so I'll share that :) Don't expect announcements anytime soon, I'm barely staying afloat here people.
She was going for a Jackie-O look here, cardigan and some black pants. Classic style for my little lady.

Mona Lisa smiles.

Move over Dorthy, ruby slippers are so last season.

4. Harper's eyes are a very pretty gray right now but the consencus from most people is that her eyes are getting lighter and have a bit of a blue tint to them. I'm not holding my breath for a blue eyed baby but boy would we need to fashion a big stick to beat the boys away if she does have blue eyes! I tried to capture them and of course Coop needed his picture taken too. I love that kid, he cracks me up.
Although chubby cheeks are the main focus of this photo you can kind of see how they look gray.
Blue Eyes?

Goofy Coopie.

5. Speaking of Coopie, he's shown some interest in potty training. More than just throwing full rolls of toilet paper in the toilet too. We've yet to have a success but he loves say "I poo" or "I pee pee". I'm sure he'll hate me for this later but he'll need something to tell his therapist : D
Poopie Coopie. Bwahahaha.

5. My Dad came up for work this past week. He hasn't seen Harps since the week she was born and he was quite astounded by how hefty our girl has become! She's quite the chubby baby now and I love it!! Her 2 month appointment is coming up so we'll know how big she is soon enough : D
"Look into my eyes, you are now under my control."-Harper