Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Whoopsy, I fell off the blogging wagon. We really have been kind of busy, kind of not. Busy doing nothing?  I'll post picks and just update stuff.

So...on September 5th we flew down to Anchorage to visit the Pediatric Neurologist for Thatch in regards to his intention tremor diagnosis. It's a correct diagnosis, it's something he'll always have and something we're just going to have to adapt too. Good news is that it's not a smaller symptom of something bigger, like MS or a cerebral tumor or what have you. Really, we take this as a blessing. That's the meat and potatoes of the visit but here's the fun stuff :)

I don't always fly on an airplane, but when I do, I make it look good.

Reading a jet magazine while flying on an airplane. 

Harps and myself, rounding out the row.

After Thatch's doctor appointment we went to Target to celebrate! Thatch was allowed to pick out one toy, under $15 . 45 minutes later and two changes, we ended up with a Captian Hook ship. He has also decided to ask Santa for the Giant ship toy on the bottom. He has asked to see Santa, pretty much every day since then. Sigh.

Harper, thoroughly enjoying Target. That would be my genetics being passed on.

Since the Olive Garden opened in Anchorage we had to go. Grandma Jonesie and Thatch waiting patiently .

Watching that buzzer like a hawk!

Of all the things, Thatch chooses pizza. He didn't really eat that much though, because he ate, like 200 bread sticks!

We went for a walk and Thatch was pushing the stroller that I used to push him in. <pardon me while I wipe away a tear>

Shortly, like seconds, after this picture Thatch said "This is too hard, can you push now?"  I'm pretty sure we were on a downhill.

His shark face. Really, this is like a scene from Psycho or something. Egads.

Papa O'Fernie should have been into Anchorage on Friday night but he missed his connection so he didn't come in until Saturday evening. He said "My flight gets in around 8."  We should have known better than to accept this vague time because his flight arrived at 9:30 PM (it was actually a half an hour early) which we didn't discover until we were at the airport at 7:30 PM. With two kids. Two rambunctious kids. We rode escalators...

We looked at every wildlife display in every corner of the airport...(Good news, I can now distinguish a black bear from a brown bear. Yay.)

We had ice cream at yogurt land (No joke, Rootbeer Float froyo is amazing.) And then Papa showed up...

I really do hate living so far apart from everybody but the one thing I do love is how they always run to see everyone in the airport. It's the only positive spin I can really put on it.

Sunday morning the boys played with their new train set while..

We all watched football!!! Harpie's first Football Sunday : D  
Then my camera died. I forgot to charge the stinking camera!! Sigh. Oh well, at least I got most of the visit in.

So that was the big weekend, after that we've really not done too much. A few little events but nothing major! Here's a few more tidbits...

Our Target excursion left us with these, the glow stick thingies that you normally have around Halloween time.  We did our first fun bath!! I turned off all the lights and surprised them with these and they LOVED it!! 

You can be sure that there were Star Wars sound effects coming from both of their little mouths. 

And then Coop decided to eat them. 

And with the cooler weather, we have started using this. It is perhaps a bit premature, as I'm sweltering  as I type, but it's kind of nice to be so warm and to have naked babies that are comfy. We're just doing small fires in the morning and it keeps the whole house warm the rest of the day. Nothing too crazy though.

Grammy and Grandpa couldn't wait and we got our Christmas present early this year!! It's been a little too chilly to actually camp outside with the boys now so we had a camp out in the living room on a Friday movie night!! They were SOOOOO excited and we were so excited by our new tent!!

It was an all boys camp out. My little Chevy Doodle enjoyed some camping as well but then came in the room with me and slept on the real, comfy bed. Smart dog.

Pooope Coopie was so tired! Have I mentioned how adorable these little jammies are?

Random!! Here's my green onions I re-grew! I cut these ones up and they're already so huge again!
On Sunday we took Thatch on a Mommy-Daddy-Kiddo date to see Finding Nemo in 3D. He loved the attention and we loved being able to spend alone time with him. My Mom watched the kiddos while we were out and there happened to be quite a wind storm that afternoon which resulted in a 5 hour long power outage and a tree falling on our house. Our poor baby sitter!!

With no power, we decided to eat did everybody else in North Pole.Wendy's it was!! Their toy in the kid's meal was Where's Waldo themed and I honestly LOVED it!! It occurred to me that we haven't read a Where's Waldo book yet!! It's on my to do list, for sure.

And here's the tree. Too bad it didn't' do more damage, maybe we could have added on a master suite there or something fabulous. I guess I'm thankful that it wasn't a big deal though. It did buy us an extra morning with Jonathan, who had to stay home from work and cut it up because it couldn't be done that night with the winds and darkness and what have you.

So I picked Thatch up from school the other day and this caught  my eye! Thatch's artwork was picked to represent the whole Kindergarten on a bulletin board in the school!

And here's the artwork! If you look closely, you'll see the shapes he glued on make it into a shark . Love that kid and his imagination!
Harpie and my arm at Library time. She's like "Seriously Mom, that stupid camera again?"

Coopie, being a good participant. You can rest assured that he wreaked havoc a little later by running up and down the aisles. Good thing they understand that he's 2!

So that's what we've been up to the past 3 weeks! Sorry this was so long, lots to cover I guess! I'll be more diligent. Maybe. Probably not.

I hope you enjoyed!!


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