Sunday, April 1, 2012

Activitties GALORE

Keeping idle minds busy is a lot of work and quite hectic. We've been keeping the boys pretty busy and active as of late. It's exhausting and I would say the house is suffering the most, but who needs vacuumed floors or clean laundry? (I do, I do!)

Thatcher is taking swim lessons. He's not the strongest swimmer but he's having a lot of fun and that's what is important. I believe his favorite part is the swim goggles and his new Spiderman trunks. The problem with the pool is that the lighting makes for difficult picture taking and everything is blurry because it is so far away...but still, I snapped a few photos for you.
I love when he smiles, his whole face lights up.

He loves his swim noodle. Most of the time he uses it as a light saber..

The real trick with swim lessons is keeping Coop occupied. He climbs up and down the bleachers which scares the bejeezus out of me. I'm sure he'll roll down them one day when I'm not looking.

Cooper seemed to be having the most difficult time adjusting to Harper's arrival so I have been making an effort to spend more time with him alone and to make activities for him. I've signed him up for the library program in town and a parents and toddler gymnastics class. He LOVES library time but sitting still is proving to be a little difficult. Gymnastics is a good outlet for a case of the wiggles but his independent streak tends to come out and he does what he wants to do most of the time. Two year olds are exhausting.
This book is apparently awesome because he had to stand right in front to make sure he took it all in.

Nope, she didn't call him up to sit there. He just decided to sit there and get the best seat in the house.
We had a "coffee" (a vanilla steamer for him, a lot of caffine for me) before we headed to gymnastics and I forgot the sippy cup. Clearly we aren't ready for straws on their own yet.

Here is some of the gym equipment. I'm pretty sure he was a monkey in another life.

Here's a link of a little video of him at gymnastics too.

Soccer has ended for Thatch until summer starts, we'll start that again soon, and he has said that he wants to do gymnastics too so as soon as I can convince Jonathan that it's not girly he'll probably start the next session soon. I think I'm looking forward to school starting in the fall already.


1 comment:

  1. Gymnastics isn't girly, although my husband isn't convinced either. Our local gymnastics place has open gym for toddlers every Saturday and it rocks! Kendry can jump, swing and tumble to his heart's content - and then he takes a wonderful nap afterwords. I'm not saying I would push him to be a professional gymnast or anything, but it burns off so much energy (read: mommy retains some sanity on weekends) and I'm told its great for their motor skills too.
