Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall is my favorite.

This will be the THIRD time I've tried to type this. The first was nice although a bit verbose, the second was funny. This one will just get to the point. It's Fall. I love it. Yay for leaves and hot cider and dressing up.

Love his smug look. It's like he knows we aren't supposed to be on the lawn and we're about to wreak havoc on a tidy pile. 

Of course, Mayhem is his middle name and he was all about this.

Turns out I went into Fred Meyers with leaves in my hair. Worth it for this picture though.

Thatch has the funniest chortle and I plan on capturing it on video one time for you all to hear it. Anyway, he was chortling in this picture. Again, expressing pleasure from destroying the yard I assume.

Coop was like, can you hurry up so I can get all crazy up in here.

Love his smiles. Even if he won't hold still for a picture.

No it's not your eyes, it's my poor photography skills. I may just read my camera manual or possibly buy Digital Photography for Dummies. Oh snap, I think I just found my New Year's Eve Resolution for 2013. Bam.

I loves me some Halloween. Honestly, a dress up holiday? You know I'm in. We made some crafts to decorate outside...I'll post the final projects later :D

My girl, eating a homemade teething biscuit I made from pinterest. Have I mentioned how much I love pinterest?

My girl, a ghoul and my guy. There was paste and crayon all over the place. The amount of glue and crap everywhere definitely correlates to the successfulness of the craft. True story.

And then a little movie action. We sent our old Peter Pan DVD in to the Disney Studios because it was was scratched and for a small fee ($6.95) they sent a new one. No joke. THAT is why I love Disney.
Here was a little witchcraft I whipped up. Pun intended. I need a sign or something that says "The Witch Is In" but I guess that's obvious when my car is parked outside.

The final products of "craft night".

Oooooohhh, scary.

Thatch had been bugging Jonathan all during his week of nights to play the Star Wars Lego video game. Jonathan happily fullfilled that request. Such quality Father/Son bonding now days. (<---dripping with sarcasm)

Even Harpie was mesmerized by the game. Honestly, it was cute but I can think of better things to do with each other. Like cleaning their bedroom, or wiping the pee off the know, manly things.

While Jonathan got a hair cut Harps and I visited with Grandma for a bit. I LOVE Harpie's outfit...those are the same Carharts that Thatch and Coopie wore. I think she's going to wear it again tomorrow because she's almost grown out of them :(

And tonight was movie night...I say go big or go home. I love doing things like this for them. It is so simple but I think it's things like this that are so memorable. We watched UP and they kept lifting the boxes and showing us how their house could fly too :)
And now we're caught up. Not much in the way of plans for this weekend. Maybe some cleaning (probably not), maybe some garage clean out (right....), I might squeeze in some sewing-my new hobby (definitely going to happen). 

I hope you enjoyed!